Thursday, November 01, 2009
hmm... so rot lehh... hahaha... yesterday Karen something tat SURPRISE us, and the SURPRISE is we rr going to multiple in the third week of NOVEMBER arrhhh san...
i'm so going to cry again.. SOOBBB... but it is GOOD to multiple
in E328 ie hve GOOD memory in mye LIFE tat ie will nvr forget
tat recall miiee of the ex-E328 memory tat we had...
Pandaclappy 11:33 PM
Thursday, September 03, 2009
this morning woke up so early again ie can't hve a peacful sleep hai... HAHA this wk hve no CCA so good cann hve a good rest at hme...
but go early for GYM yuppie at there saw mye BTS FRIENDS oww saw long and marcus, miiee and kai lim continue our exercise we exercise finish sian ie niidd to wait for one hour den ie cann eat arrhh... nvm we go see our friends do their exercise for awhile den we go the way they do it is so funny...
Pandaclappy 11:33 PM
Monday, August 31, 2009
wake up super early about 8am, going to OLD SCHOOL, later at 10am meeting kai ling, yun yu, mummy at inter meet them lehh go sch gate wait for gui qing, go in go canteen buy drinks den go hall waa the show was SUPER BORING LORR... den joanne come lehh, the show BORING DIAO we go toilet and sit down at the canteen, skip skip the show ended we go see our fav teachers saw HAO 'lao shi' and chat abit, go to the hall saw MRS YEO and other 4T1 PPL we take pictures thannx to MR YAP takng the pictures for us, we go to find more teachers in the staff room den Qweenie chat wif her a while den go in staff room say heloo to teachers saw CAI'lao shi',MDM HAN, MISS TAY, GUO'lao shi', go office go see the principle, we go outside sch because they wan to bubble tea, wait for yi long and the others, we take bus bck inter go to cs, we go eat kopitam eat, ie eat PEPPER LUNCH eat finish lehh, while walking ie saw calvin, chee yong and 'arrhh forget his name' say heloo, we go to the cinema look for movie but got nth to watch so we stand there and think where to go while thinking saw joel wif his friend, we at stand there den chit chat 'crab' things, YI LONG when cann uu STOP the rubbish thing, we decide to go simpang bedok the cash studio to sing, waa we sing the 'friends' in chinese and in mye mind was recabing the memoryes we spent time together, sing till 8plus waa we spent 11 hours together it was worth it ie WISH EVERY MONTH we cann spent time together...
Pandaclappy 11:33 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
srryy mmt ppl ie did not go out wif uu all because ie not enough money...
ie go yi long and his brothers chalet yeahh so so long den meet them up lorr ciao miss the past tat we hve fun, we at there chatt about our past memory tat we hve spent time together
being say by them again, pls lorr he don hve mole lehh still wan to say miiee and him together lame laa
ie wish we whole NT ppl will contact each other forever...
Pandaclappy 11:10 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
morninggo serve at children church...afternoondo clean up den go eat at airport again but different place we go T1 at the staff canteen there but ie did not eat bacuse did not bring mye money out haha... but ppl force miiee to eat some food tat lean brought but ie don wan to eat because ie got sore troat and ie m eating dinner at mye grandma place so yarrhh...they hve eaten finish and miiee and louisa tokk the same bus hmeeveninggo to grandma hse to celebrate her birthday and ie get more an pao haha...when she cut her cake miiee and wei ting feel so srryy tat mye grandma cannot eat becsuse she got stroke, she was looking at the cake she wan to eat but she cannot so sadd saii :(but ie knoe tat she will be well slowly...tat is all for today...
Pandaclappy 11:10 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
morningbreadfast eat wif mye father is mye brother...den use com...afternoongo church...eveningafter church go fellowship at airport and we eat burger king at T2 den miiee, gerry and marilyn go mini toon go walkwalk and at there ie brought panda HP N/strap haha is finally found it hahha....den we go to beside the shops and look around and ie play wif a funny sound chicken hahaha...den go hme
Pandaclappy 10:58 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
morningwake up at 7.30am, do the same thing again and again ie m late again...lock ie did not meet bf in early in the morning okiiee pls read mye blog okiiee haha... and ie hve put ie hve no bf lorr... SINGLER FOREVER....den wait for victrina to come, when she hve reach for awhile mye fav bus is here so we brought it :D den we hve pe yeahh ie luv P.E lessons... so we play badminton and do sit and reach...den hve stupid talk in audi so sian lorr...afternoonden back to INA lesson but we hve break for awhile, some ppl go eat... we stay at the half lesson ie go out for walk walk awhile because vrryy tired but ie go call irene to talk with miiee, den ie decided to go back to class with mye phone talking to irene haha... den miiee and ICE took picture in class when it is going to end... this is all for today...
Pandaclappy 11:33 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
(Top left) Feng Jie, Victrina, Jasmine)(Bottom) Hui Qi and miiee Hui Qi and miiee miiee and victrina(with mye bao bei hoddie) miiee, victrina and jasmine victrina, jasmine and miiee this afternoon take derr after our lunch break because nothing to do arrhh... so we took photoes haha... ie enjoy myeself nw the main stories started nw... morning wake up at 7.30 because victrina sms den ie woke up heng she sms or else ie will be super late to meet the mye classmates den ie niidd to morning call DEXTER to wake up, he vrryy smart ie though he was a wake lehh so ie don care he but the think is he is still SLEEPING wht the... he voice sound lye ie hve woke up lehh lorr waa liao... okiiee nw contine mye blogging so ie faster go bath, bath finish lehh go iron mye uniform asap... den chiong out to meet them lehh... den lesson start lehh... short break at 10am end at 10.25am den back to lesson in the middle of the lesson miiee victrina and jasmine took photos in front of teacher haha mye teacher was looking at us but we don care him... because we vrryy boring maa... and we hve done our work... afternoon den lunch break for one hour we go toliet first den go eat PRATA but we got free drink from them haha stupid they don know saii haha... ie don lye to drink tea with MILK it is so sweet lorr *ehhh ie don lye it, it is to sweet lehhh... but miiee and Hui Qi drink abit only, after eating finish eating lehh we go bck class but teacher haven teach yet so we took photos... haha yeahh finally ended sch and it is raining lye 'cats and dogs' lorr so san... but ie, hui qi and feng jie chiong to bus stop but victrina and jasmine take umbella to shielder themself first... den we wait for the others to come when they hve reach lehh about 5 mins the bus come and at the bus is saw BTS student it is 3 boys plus vivan... den reach inter lehh miiee and feng jie pei hui qi wait for her friend to come here so we wait to 5plus at mac wait for him... den he fetch her lehh den ie and feng jie go inter but we go separted ways ie go meet mye parents... evening bath first den hve prayer conference with gerry, cheryl and gladys den finish praying lehh ie ask jia hui for conference call for refreshment... den watch channel 8 show finish watching lehh den chatt with kai lim, victrina and dexter... den nw going to sleep lehh so tired tat is for today...
Pandaclappy 10:21 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
morningwake up at 7 or 8 plus den go bath, bath finish lehh den go do hsework so tired but must go meet the others for lunch at 10.30, ie was late so ie rush out lehh... so ie hve reach lehh ie though no wan is there so ie sms the ppl den lock sms back he is sitting the the market there he is so smart but is always the earlist to reach there.. pei sey... always let uu wait... so we waited for victrina to come, when she hve reach we go to KFC to eat and beside eationg we still rr waiting for the others to come first was jasmine, sec ellena, third dexter and last was xinling, when xinling reach she sat for awhile we hve to go meet the some of our classmate the opp bus stop, den we brought the bus lehh, we hve reach the bus stop so we go to class...afternoonarrhh it is so tired of the lesson but ie hve learn a lot of things from the lesson and a hve enjoy the lesson, after sch miiee and some of class ppl we go eat at long john silver for our dinner, and some hve ate finish so they hve to go first so is 4 hve left, den awhile 3 more left too, so only hve miiee, victrina and jasmine but we stay there for awhile and we chatt for kind of long and we hve gone our own ways...when ie reach ie started to on mye laptop lehh...tat is for today lehh...
Pandaclappy 6:36 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
morningat morning meet mye classmates at 9.30 but ie was we waited for the bus 222 to come, and we hve reach sch lehh, we wait for ying hui to reach bedok ite, ying hui hve reach bedok ite so we took the shuttle bus to macpherson ite for the talk from the teachers it was so so boring *yawn... when ie hve reach macpherson ite ie saw wilson and salda, when ie hve reach the hall we waited all the students to come in to the hall den ie hve saw shahadun, shahirah and daniel...afternoonfinally the talk hve finish *yawn , miiee and mye friends go da bao food from there den ie saw ming li, bing hong, after tat we rush to the bus because we rr LATE...
Pandaclappy 7:56 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
yeahh ie hve change blogskin again
Pandaclappy 7:41 PM